외부 공지사항
아시아 의학사학회 안내
작성자 관리자





기후변동이 세계적으로 중요해지고 있는 이 때에,


이를 주제로 한 국제학술대회가 2010년도 10월에


수원에서 열립니다. 학회 회원님들의 적극적인 발표와 참여를 기대합니다.






The Fifth Asian Society for the History of Medicine




              Climate, Environment and Disease


        Crossing Historico-Geographical Boundaries






The Asian Society for the History of Medicine is pleased to announce its Fifth Conference. It will take place October 7-9, 2010, in Suwon of South Korea, a historical city famous for the Hwaseong Fortress inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.




The Asian Society for the History of Medicine welcomes paper submissions from general historians as well as from medical historians. We particularly invite those historians who have worked on climate, environment and disease from a historico-geographical perspective. Although submissions from all eras and regions are welcome, Its special emphasis will be given on the following topics in terms of world history :




Comparative Ecology of Climate and Disease between the East and the West


Nature, Humanity and Race


Asian Black Death and Global Environment


Little Ice Age, Global Warming and Epidemiological Transformation


Tropical Diseases and Hygiene


Relationship between Globalization and Nationalism in the Making of Modern


Medicine : Biomedicine vs. Environmental Medicine




As always, the proposal\\s maximum words should be less than 1,000 words. Presentations are limited to 20 minutes. All the participants are encouraged to use MS-Word software. Please send your proposal to the


Organizing Committee Chair,


Jong-Chan LEE (Ajou University, Republic of Korea) INSERT INTO bbs (uid, fid, code, code_b, id, name, passwd, email, nick, subject_head, subject, cmt, url, signdate, ref, thread, iphost, upfile, upfile2, filesize) VALUES




Department of Medical Humanities and Social Medicine


School of Medicine


Ajou University


Suwon, 422-721


Republic of Korea






- Conference Dates : October 7-9, 2010


- Proposal Submission Deadline : June 30, 2010


- Pre-Registration Deadline : July 31, 2010




아시아 의학사학회 조직위원장


아주대학교 인문사회의학교실


이종찬 배상


연락처: medphil@hanmail.net / jclee@ajou.ac.kr


전화: 031 -219-5088 / 010 - 6311 - 9996
